Domestic Violence – Intimate Partner Victim (IPV)

Thoughts of Intimate Partner Victims

Susan and the children have had years of being abused by her spouse.

Susan wants to leave and is seeking shelter for her and the children.

No family member will allow them to stay because they fear her partner who threatens to kill anyone that takes his family away from him.

Susan has no money, nowhere to go, and the children are starting to act out.

Where do Susan go or who does she call?

Does she stay?

Who is affected?

Intimate Partner Victim (IPV) can be both female or male. Most cases reported are those from women who may or may not have children.

Domestic violence affects children of all ages. Many times, they are the pawn between the parents. These children struggle with the ability to verbalize their feelings. Sometimes young children draw pictures or use toys to tell their story. Generally, they identify the offender as a monster. It is through these young minds that we learn the severity of a situation and how the negativity of their environment affects them.

Help is Available

Let me assist you. I will help you gain insight on the impact of violence and how to overcome the trauma of abuse through self-empowerment. Through psycho-education, assessments and self-development techniques, participants will develop skills in successfully moving on from the trauma of domestic violence.

For additional information about IPV services, give Brighter Side Counseling a call, email, or fill out the contact form.

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